Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Where do I go next?

I've been kicking around ideas for expanding the layout into the current space. Here's a preview of the ideas that have been rolling around in my head.

First as seen above, this is where to go west of Prince. The mainlines tuck into Stretcher's Neck tunnel, then spiral down in a helix under the wide spot of the layout. Whether I simply tuck the mains in behind scenery on the branchline portion of the layout, or have enough helix to make an entire lower deck to include Thayer and surroundings is yet to be decided. But in any case, it comes back up to meet another branch at Thurmond as seen below. Whether the Piney Creek branch (Prince) and Loup Creek branch (Thurmond) will connect is also yet to be determined. In some way, there could be shared staging.

Beyond this, I'd love to include a reasonable representation of Meadow Creek (plus its branch if it all possible) and Hinton... good luck right? I'm running out of room.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Back on track

It's been almost a year since the last update, and well over a year since any progress was made with the layout. Between beginning a new relationship and getting things done around the house, the layout has been "sitting in a siding", but now things are starting to come back together. I recently finished some drywall work and paint in about half of the layout room and started putting together the layout.

Once it's all squared up and level, I'll get to work reconnecting wiring, cleaning track, and repairing whatever damage may have occurred during transport and storage.